
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Shopping? Why yes, I think I will

Hooray for days off! I started the day by sleeping in until 10:30 and when I finally woke up and turned on my computer, Cody was on skype. We talked for about an hour and just being able to see his face and hear his voice was the best start to my day I could ever ask for, I miss him bunches. After we said goodbye I decided it was time to shower and start my day, which was going to involve shopping, and shopping, and some more shopping. Now anybody who knows me knows that I love to shop, my mom especially knows this because when I was in high school we used to go on shopping trips almost bi-weekly :) I even straightened my hair and put on a cute outfit for this trip! This may not seem like a big deal to you average people, but just know that this is the first time since I got to Wuhan that I have blow-dried and straightened my hair AND wore something other than athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Be impressed. Evidence:

I headed to the mall and hit H&M first. You know how sometimes  you see something and you immediately know you love it without even trying it on? That's what happened with this shirt:
I also impressively found some jeans that fit me, and even though they need to be hemmed up a bit because my legs are so short in proportion to the size of my waist, I kind of love them:
I also found a pair of nude wedges at H&M that were beautiful and I wanted them soooooo badly, but they were 299 kuai (about $50) and I couldn't bring myself to get them. I am now on the hunt for some nude pumps or wedges. After acquiring the shirt and jeans for my wardrobe it was time for some good American-style indulgence, so I headed to Starbucks and got myself a peanut mocha frappuccino. It was so good. I just sat and sipped and read a book for a whole hour, enjoying the American feeling. I walked through the mall several times and popped in several stores that were having sales. There were many things that tempted me but I resisted the urge to buy everything. I also reminded myself that the night market and numerous bargain markets would have similar things for much cheaper (my dad would be proud). There was one store that I walked by several times and I giggled every time...........
They couldn't have possibly chosen any other way to say "really small"? Yet again, I found myself thinking "almost China, almost". I indulged in some truffles. I say indulged because they were expensive little boogers. At See's Candy in the US these might have cost me $3. Here in China they cost me 36 kuai, which is about $6. But they were delicious nonetheless.......
From left to right: dark chocolate with dark chocolate filling; dark chocolate with hazelnut filling; dark chocolate with strawberry filling. I have a thing for dark chocolate :)
6:30 rolled around and I figured it was about time to grab some grub, so I headed to the one Western restaurant in the mall other than KFC and McDonald's and DQ: Teddy Bear's Kitchen. I got some blueberry rolls which turned out to be blueberry filling with crispy fried stuff around the outside, some honey mint soda which tasted like a lemon drop mixed with a peppermint, and some lasagna. All 3 were delicious and I left with a full belly and a big smile on my face.
After this I decided it was time to head home since I had done enough damage to my wallet for one day. I headed outside only to discover it was RAINING! I found this incredibly ironic and I'll tell you why. Chelsie told me that it rained in Wuhan ALL THE TIME, so I specially bought rain boots and brought them with me.....and haven't even used them once. I was complaining to Candy about this yesterday and lo and behold, today: rain. Sadly, I did not have my rain boots with me and got my poor rainbow sandals soaked hailing a cab (which I'm really good at - I just show a little American leg and the cabs line up hahahahaha just keeeeeding). Overall, wonderful day. Oh, I forgot to mention that WalMart is in the same place as the mall and I snagged myself some stupidly expensive peanut butter and a snicker's bar. Yeeeeeah buddy. 

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