
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Hunger Games Lives On

Chelsie just finished reading the Hunger Games series (I read them a couple months ago) and we both LOVED the books. What does this have to do with China, you ask? Well I'll tell you.

Tonight, Chelsie bought two turtles. She was thinking about naming them Chandler and Joey, after the Friends characters. I wasn't very enthusiastic about this idea, but seeing as how they were going to be her turtles, I really had no say. Then she was thinking about Michaelangelo or Donatello or Leonardo, as in from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (duh)....but she decided she needed to meet these said turtles before naming them. Well, we went to the supermarket (yes you can buy turtles and fish and even tiny frogs at your local supermarket here, right next to your cucumbers and tomatoes) and she picked out a pair of these little reptiles to bring home. This is the conversation we had as we walked out of the store:
C: "I don't really know anything about turtles other than that they live in a shell...."
T: "You really got ahead of yourself on this one didn't you"
C: "Yeah, but I'll go home and research all about turtles so I can be a good turtle owner."

On the way home Chelsie exclaimed "Peeta and Gale! That's their names. Yep. The Hunger Games lives on." Needless to say I approved 100% with these names since I loved the books and both Peeta and Gale. One of the turtles is a lot more rambunctious than the other one, always trying to climb up the side of the cage to try and get out. We decided he should be Gale since in the books Gale is always itching for a revolution. So. Without further delay, meet the newest members of our China adventure:
Turtle:  Guī  (龟)
Oh, and true to her word, Chelsie is sitting down in the living room as I blog, researching turtles. I think she'll be a great turtle mommy :)

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