
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Faves Day 2

Friday is quite possibly my favorite day to teach here in Wuhan. I have my one Twos class of the week AND my final class of the day pretty much contains every single one of my favorite children. So here they are:
Cong Cong....this babe is so stinking cute, and so smart! She knows all the movements to all the songs and she's always the first one ready to transition from one activity to the next. She's always happy and today we took turns making clown faces into the mirror. Precious babe.
Next up is Xuan Xuan. He and I didn't bond too much, but he nonetheless is still kind of an awesome kid. I like watching him play because he's a very unique little boy - he's a people-watcher like me and will just sit and stare at you haha. He also takes great pictures (apparently they learn this pose very young here in China) :)
And then we have Koray. His dad is the American owner of some big hotel and his mom also speaks perfect English....which means this boy is bi-lingual at the age of 2. Awesome. He is literally the only child who I can actually talk to and have him respond. He's pretty typical of what an American boy would be - rambunctious and noisy and slightly violent haha. My boss's husband always plays with him and it cracks me up, see the video below....
Now for some younger kiddos.....ladies and gentlemen I present Kang Kang (pronounced Kung Kung). The first time I saw this child, I kind of dreaded him ever being in class. He was walking around spitting and throwing things all over and just being overall obnoxious - the kind of kid you give thanks isn't yours. But then I watched a little longer and noticed his mom giving him kleenex and making him go wipe up every spot, put everything back where he got it, and all order was restored without any yelling or smacking or even breaking a sweat. This kid is kind of a monster, but his mom is awesome with him and after interacting with him I've decided he's just a little punk but I like him.
And now, Rui Rui (pronounced Ray Ray). This boy is in the running for my favorite child in China, period. Definitely my favorite kid in Wuhan. Let me give you a portrait of this precious kid: today when I rang the bells to say class was starting, he comes running around the corner, stops dead in his tracks when he sees me, and gave me that look that says "I'm so excited right now that I can't even move because I might pee my pants." Then in Rompy's House he was spacing out a little bit so I grabbed his foot and got his attention and he gave me the cheesiest grin and got back into what we were doing, as if saying "oops, didn't mean to space out, you caught me." During class he grabbed my hand to make me follow him around. He stared at me expectantly when I brought out new instruments but didn't grab at the bucket like all the other kids. Whenever we made eye contact he just smiled and laughed a little bit like we were sharing some inside joke and went on doing whatever he was doing. AND he gave me a giant hug and a big fat sloppy kiss before he left. Yeah, favorite.
Also, between classes today I got bored and doodled these:

In other news......3 days until I go back to Beijing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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