
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Theresa laoshi

That's right, I'm now teaching my own classes at Romp n' Roll China! It's funny how I often do not understand a single thing anybody is saying, and then suddenly I'll hear "Theresa laoshi" and I know they're talking to or about me. Laoshi means teacher, and it sounds like "lao sure". My first few classes were rough, as expected, but I got better pretty quick because it was basically a sink or swim situation! Chelsie had to go hold down the fort at Wuhan and Anna was out of town for a rugby tournament this weekend, which left Alex - another American instructor - and myself to teach 5 classes each on Saturday and Sunday! It was pretty hectic and exhausting but I think I finally got the hang of it!
Now that the kids are used to seeing me around, they are more willing to interact with me when they see me and play along with me when we're in class. The mom of one of my toddlers today even told me, in very good English, that they were going on vacation for a month and she was sad he would be missing my class because he really enjoyed it today. That really made me smile and I told her thank you so much. It's kind of awesome how the parents automatically want their kids to interact with me just because I'm American and will speak English to them. There is also an overall cultural respect for teachers, which I honestly can't say is always the same back in the states. 
I am getting settled in here and getting braver by the day! Today I got some street food all by myself with only a little bit of pointing and a lot of great big American smiling haha. The lady understood what I wanted though and was even impressed that I knew a few words in Chinese (Hello, I want....*point to what I want*....thank you!)
Today is Father's Day and I just want to say that I really miss my papa and waking up to him singing on Sunday mornings. I remember I used to get soooooo annoyed by it, but now when I think of it I just think of the warmth that he filled our home with by always having such a cheerful attitude. I have been incredibly lucky and truly blessed to have such a wonderful father and role model. I love you dad!
This pretty much sums up my relationship with my dad: we're both incredibly silly people and when you put us together, there's no telling what will happen!

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