
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brrrrrrrrrr in Beijing

Well, 4 years of Arizona winters definitely did NOT prepare me for this. It seems like it was summer just yesterday and we were parading around in shorts and tank tops. Then we walked out our door one morning to a torrential downpour and ever since then it's been downhill. Malinda told us there's a Chinese saying that goes: "after rain, it gets colder and colder and colder". Haha, pretty literal. But it's true! Ever since "autumn" started it's rained a few times and after each rain the temperature dropped significantly and just waited for the next rain and then got even colder. Before we knew it we were walking to work and instead of t-shirts and shorts, people were dressed like this:
That picture was taken at least 2 weeks ago and nowadays people are legitimately bundled up. Vivian wears 4 pairs of socks in the office, Malinda is normally decked out in at least 3 layers plus a heavy jacket, and even Chelsie and I have succumbed to the cold and are both now wearing layers and scarves and even gloves in the office! It sucks that China doesn't turn on the heat until the middle of November....I don't know if I can handle having goosebumps 24 hour a day for another 2 weeks!

I often find myself sipping warm beverages. This is some yummy chocolate  milk tea....kind of like hot chocolate, but milky and a little more watery.....
BUT, all coldness aside, the past 4 years of Arizona fall/winters have deprived me of the beautiful time of leaves changing colors and I am happy to report that Beijing's trees do in fact change colors. It's been beautiful to walk around and see all the reds and oranges and yellows bursting from the plants. I don't remember how long it's supposed to take leaves to fall off trees, but it just seems to be taking a very long time! I'm not complaining though, because once fall is over and winter hits for real I'm going to be one sad puppy with my thin Arizonan blood. For now, enjoy some pictures of a real fall in a real big city....

Fall perfection

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