
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be sharing stories all about my adventures in China, ranging from chopsticks training, food adventures, tourist-y journeys, roommate bonding, and many more to be sure! CAUTION: reading this blog may cause you to feel some or all of the following: jealousy, sympathy-related traveler's diarrhea, Theresa-sickness (a close kin to home-sickness), a surge for adventure, and Asian-baby love.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fun Times

It's been quite the adventurous few days. I have ventured out on my own quite a bit, including walking home from work (about 1.5 miles) and going out for food. Yesterday Chelsie and I went with our co-worker Alex and his wife Stacey to IKEA (yeah, they have IKEA in China!!!) to get mattress pads for our beds because they are rock-solid. They cost a pretty penny, but I think they will be well worth it, since there is no way I would be able to sleep in that bed without one. Right now I'm not so much enjoying living out of my suitcases and sleeping on the couch, but I AM grateful to be with friends and get to hang out with Jill for a while before she leaves for the states! Yesterday Chelsie and I went to get a medical exam, which included getting blood taken, a chest x-ray, eye and ear check, an EKG, weight check, and an ultra-sound. It was funny because I'm sure so many foreigners come through that place, they had it down pat. As Chelsie put it, it kind of felt like being in a lab experiment.
Some fun news about China: children who are not yet potty-trained pee and poo on the street; yogurt is delicious and creamy, the sky is normally very gray and smoggy, but after it rains you can actually see the blue sky for a little while; most people are very friendly and will say hello after staring at the Westerner for a minute; jaywalking is perfectly normal and acceptable - the driving is pretty crazy though so you have to be on your toes all the time.
Have you ever wanted to speak Chinese? We will learn together. I learned a lot today, but my favorites are:
*yes (correct): dui
*no (incorrect): bu
*I don't want: bu yao
These lions are everywhere. The male one always has his paw on a ball...

And the female always has her paw on a baby lion - all about the yin and yang

This is bird cage in our front courtyard

Fat noodle. So yummers.

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